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Friday, 17 December 2019

Introduction Business Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Digital World Event Information Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Lunch break
Managing Business Relationship Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Discussion: New Idea Creation Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Cocktail and networking

Saturday, 18 December 2019

Introduction Business Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Digital World Event Information Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Lunch break
Managing Business Relationship Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Discussion: New Idea Creation Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Cocktail and networking

Sunday, 19 December 2019

Introduction Business Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Digital World Event Information Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Lunch break
Managing Business Relationship Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Discussion: New Idea Creation Hall A Beginner

We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually. We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.We care for more than 200 thousand exhibits spanning billions of years and welcome more than five million way visitors annually.

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Cocktail and networking

Всеукраїнська премія професійної майстерності медичних сестер України, яка започаткована у 2019 році

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